Claudon FAUCHY

Descendants of Claudon FAUCHY

1 Claudon FAUCHY
  =Jean MASSE

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Antoinnette FAURE

Ancestors of Antoinnette FAURE

        /-Claude FAURE
Antoinnette FAURE
        \-Philiberte GASTIER

Descendants of Antoinnette FAURE

1 Antoinnette FAURE
  =Pierre DUMONTET  Marriage: 21 JAN 1655, Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Claudine DUMONTET
        =Antoine PIVOT  Marriage: 09 NOV 1679, Saint-Just-d'Avray, 69217, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Claude PIVOT
              =Catherine BONNEFONT  Marriage: 16 NOV 1706, Saint-Just-d'Avray, 69217, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 

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Claude FAURE

Descendants of Claude FAURE

1 Claude FAURE
  =Philiberte GASTIER  Marriage: 30 APR 1624, Grandris, 69093, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Antoinnette FAURE
        =Pierre DUMONTET  Marriage: 21 JAN 1655, Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Claudine DUMONTET
              =Antoine PIVOT  Marriage: 09 NOV 1679, Saint-Just-d'Avray, 69217, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 

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Claudine FAURE

Ancestors of Claudine FAURE

                  /-Guichard FAURE
        /-Toussaint FAURE
        |         \- MONTYBERT
Claudine FAURE
        |         /-Jean BARBIER
        \-Louise BARBERET

Descendants of Claudine FAURE

1 Claudine FAURE
  =Pierre LONGERE
      2 Jeanne LONGIERE
      2 Jean LONGIERE
      2 Bathélémie LONGIERE
        =Anthoine GUILLERMAIN
            3 Pierre GUILLERMAIN
              =Jeanne ROCHE  Marriage: 26 FEB 1715, La Chapelle-de-Mardore, 69041, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
              =Claudine BATAILLIER  Marriage: 19 OCT 1724, La Chapelle-de-Mardore, 69041, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 

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Guichard FAURE

Descendants of Guichard FAURE

1 Guichard FAURE
      2 Toussaint FAURE
        =Louise BARBERET  Marriage: 29 APR 1626, Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Claudine FAURE
              =Pierre LONGERE

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Magdeleine FAURE

Descendants of Magdeleine FAURE

1 Magdeleine FAURE
  =Jean Pierre BLACHE
      2 Jean BLACHE
        =Jeanne Marie Thérèse MOYON  Marriage: 26 DEC 1817, Les Ollières-sur-Eyrieux, 07167, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Jeanne Pauline BLACHE
              =Jacques BARDE  Marriage: 21 OCT 1844, Les Ollières-sur-Eyrieux, 07167, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 

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Marguerite FAURE

Descendants of Marguerite FAURE

1 Marguerite FAURE
  =Albert CAMUS  Marriage: 05 SEP 1945, Lyon, , , , France, 

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Toussaint FAURE

Ancestors of Toussaint FAURE

        /-Guichard FAURE
Toussaint FAURE
        \- MONTYBERT

Descendants of Toussaint FAURE

1 Toussaint FAURE
  =Louise BARBERET  Marriage: 29 APR 1626, Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Claudine FAURE
        =Pierre LONGERE
            3 Jeanne LONGIERE
            3 Jean LONGIERE
            3 Bathélémie LONGIERE
              =Anthoine GUILLERMAIN

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Descendants of Anthoine FAUSSENQUE

  =Catherine FOBERT
      2 Marguerite FAUSSENQUE
        =Valentin MISTRE  Marriage: 08 MAR 1569

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Ancestors of Marguerite FAUSSENQUE

        /-Anthoine FAUSSENQUE
        \-Catherine FOBERT

Descendants of Marguerite FAUSSENQUE

1 Marguerite FAUSSENQUE
  =Valentin MISTRE  Marriage: 08 MAR 1569

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Descendants of Jeanne FAVROT

1 Jeanne FAVROT
  =Claude MASSON  Marriage: 21 APR 1693, Sainte-Paule, 69230, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Pierre MASSON
        =Jeanne MASSON DIT GARDON
            3 Louis MASSON
              =Théodose SANDRIN  Marriage: 09 FEB 1750, Sainte-Paule, 69230, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Marie MASSON
            3 Hyerome Jérome MASSON

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Adémar FAYE

Ancestors of Adémar FAYE

        /-Stève FAYE
Adémar FAYE
        |                   /-François Adrien Marie VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         /-Jean François VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         |         \-Marie Joseph Marcelle "Mimi" RÉGIS
        \-Edmée Clémentine Marie-Françoise VEYRE DE SORAS
                  \-Claude DE BEAUREPAIRE-LOUVAGNY

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Amelor FAYE

Ancestors of Amelor FAYE

        /-Stève FAYE
Amelor FAYE
        |                   /-François Adrien Marie VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         /-Jean François VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         |         \-Marie Joseph Marcelle "Mimi" RÉGIS
        \-Edmée Clémentine Marie-Françoise VEYRE DE SORAS
                  \-Claude DE BEAUREPAIRE-LOUVAGNY

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Armand FAYE

Ancestors of Armand FAYE

        /-Stève FAYE
Armand FAYE
        |                   /-François Adrien Marie VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         /-Jean François VEYRE DE SORAS
        |         |         \-Marie Joseph Marcelle "Mimi" RÉGIS
        \-Edmée Clémentine Marie-Françoise VEYRE DE SORAS
                  \-Claude DE BEAUREPAIRE-LOUVAGNY

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Stève FAYE

Descendants of Stève FAYE

1 Stève FAYE
  =Edmée Clémentine Marie-Françoise VEYRE DE SORAS  Marriage: 25 MAY 2002
      2 Adémar FAYE
      2 Amelor FAYE
      2 Armand FAYE

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Descendants of Jeanne FEALAISE

  =Jean CHAZAL
      2 Etienne CHAZAL
        =Louise GIRBAUD  Marriage: 18 APR 1697, Charmes-sur-Rhône, 07055, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Etienne CHAZAL  DIT TOULAN

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Descendants of Anne FEDON

1 Anne FEDON
  =Grégoire LONG
      2 Marguerite LONG
        =Pierre Honoré MISTRE  Marriage: 18 SEP 1785, Mazaugues, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Pierre Grégoire MISTRE
              =Marguerite Véronique HIVERT  Marriage: 06 MAR 1820, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, 83116, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Marguerite Virginie MISTRE
              =Sidoine Honoré Gaspard BAUDE  Marriage: 25 FEB 1818, St Maximin, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Jean Pierre MISTRE
              =Marie Magdelaine PAYAN  Marriage: 24 APR 1836, St Maximin, 83, Var, , France, 

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Descendants of Anne FEIX

1 Anne FEIX
        =François PARANQUE  Marriage: 26 FEB 1697, Marseille, 13055, Bouches du Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, La Major
            3 Catherine PARANQUE
            3 Guilleaume ( Guillaume ) PARANQUE
            3 Anne PARANQUE
            3 Pierre PARANQUE
              =Honnorade VALADE  Marriage: 13 NOV 1729, Marseille, 13055, Bouches du Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, Saint Martin

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Caroline FELCE

Ancestors of Caroline FELCE

        /-Vincent FELCE
Caroline FELCE
        |         /-Damiano TIMOTEI
        \-Angela TIMOTEI
                  |         /-Giuseppe Maria GRIMALDI
                  \-Doria Maria GRIMALDI
                            \-Dame Maria Catarina CASTELLANI

Descendants of Caroline FELCE

1 Caroline FELCE
      2 Paul MUGLONI
            3 Caroline MUGRIONI

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Charlotte FELCE

Ancestors of Charlotte FELCE

                  /-Vincent FELCE
        /-Jean-Charles FELCE
        |         |         /-Damiano TIMOTEI
        |         \-Angela TIMOTEI
        |                   \-Doria Maria GRIMALDI
Charlotte FELCE
        \-Agnès SEU DE ROUVI

Descendants of Charlotte FELCE

1 Charlotte FELCE
  =André PICHON
      2 Bernard PICHON
      2 Françoise PICHON
      2 Elisabeth PICHON

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