Index Of People

LONG, Jeanne
LONG, Jeanne
LONG, Jeanne
LONG, Louis
LONG, MagdelaineD. 14 NOV 1770 (Auriol, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, )
LONG, Magdelaine
LONG, Marguerite
LONG, Marguerite
LONG, MargueriteB. 1767 (Mazaugues, 83, Var, , France, )
LONG, MarieB. 01 MAR 1672 (Lazer, 05073, Hautes Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, )D. 05 AUG 1750 (Lazer, 05073, Hautes Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, )
LONG, Marie Marguerite
LONG, Michel
LONG, Pierre
LONG, RoseB. 1706D. 20 MAY 1781 (Auriol, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, )
LONG, Spirite

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LONG, ThérèseD. BEF 1775
LONG, Victor
LONGERE, AnneB. 06 JAN 1619 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, AnthoineB. 04 MAY 1672 (Ronno, 69169, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, BenoiteB. 23 APR 1679 (Ronno, 69169, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, CatherineB. 15 JAN 1624 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, Jean JehanB. 28 NOV 1621 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, JeanneB. 01 OCT 1675 (Ronno, 69169, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE, PierreB. 19 JUN 1632 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )D. 31 MAY 1715 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGERE DIT GRAVILLON, Jehan JeanD. 11 MAR 1664 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGIER, AntoinetteB. 28 OCT 1678 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGIERE, Antoinette
LONGIERE, BathélémieB. 1661 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )

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LONGIERE, JeanB. 11 FEB 1659 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGIERE, JeanneB. 12 JUN 1657 (Cublize, 69070, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONGUE, Honorade
LONGUE, Isabeau
LONGUEVILE, MargueriteD. 12 MAY 1678 (Colombier-le-Jeune, 07068, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, )
LONIN, AdelineD. 20 MAR 1880 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LORIA, AngéliqueB. 22 AUG 1978 (Aix En Provence, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, )
LORIA, AudreyB. 13 JUL 1977 (Aix En Provence, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, )
LORIA, JosephB. 22 DEC 1951 (Tunis (Tunisie), Tun, , , France, )
LOUCHON, Anthouronne
LOUCHON, Balthazar
LOUCHON, Catherine

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LOUISON, AlcideB. ABT 1842 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LOUISON, ElisaB. ABT 1823 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LOUISON, EtienneB. ABT 1816 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, Baie des Anglois)
LOUISON, JulietteB. ABT 1818 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LOUISON, Marie LuceB. ABT 1824 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LOUISON, MédéliceD. BEF 1849 (Sainte-Anne, 97226, Martinique, Martinique, France, )
LOUISON, Suzanne
LOUVENE, Jean Antoine
LOUVENE, Madelaine
LOZENE, Janete Jeannette
LUGAGNE, Germaine
LUNA, Jean MarcB. 25 OCT 1956 (Vitremomble, , , , France, )
LUNA, LolaB. 17 OCT 1987 (Aix En Provence, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, )
LUPORSI, Maria PurissimaB. 1762D. 1824
LUPRIEZ, LouisB. 1763

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MABILY, Etienne
MACARY, Vincent Athalie Beatrix
MACCARIO, Michel Ange
MACCARYE, Marguerite
MACE, Frédérique
MACO FLORES, VincenteB. 04 JUN 1976
MAFFI, Magdeleine
MAGALLON, Alix Anne (Magdeleine?)
MAGALON, Guillem
MAGALON, Marguerite
MAGALONNE, Françoise

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